Shinichi Kudou dan Ran Mouri emang the best couple (^з^) unyyuuu... aku salut banget sama aoyama gosho selain kecerdasannya dalam ngolah kasus dia juga manis banget bikin kisah cinta
kehebatan pasangan ini berada dimana mereka mampu menjaga perasaan mereka tetap murni, menjaga komitmen ... WHAT ?? muncul tanda tanya baru komitmen sama sapa wong Shinichi gak pernah ngomong langsung perasaannya dengan Ran eh begitu juga sebaliknya.
mungkin sempat di movie 4 tapii pas shinichi bilang I love you, more than anyone else dia lagi di wujudnya conan dan di movie 8 tapi itupun Ran malah ngira dia ngomong ma Kaito Kid.. mereka berdua cuman tetap nujukin perhatian satu sama lain, tanpa mengharap lebih, mereka hanya berusaha menjaga perasaan pasangannya ( buat yang pengen liat cuplikan moment Ran dan Shinichi itu di sini )
kembali ke komitmen yang aku bilang mereka jaga, ini lebih tepatnya menjaga komitmen dengan diri sendiri yang justru lebih berat ketimbang menjaga komitmen dengan orang lain, kenapa ? karena manusia cenderung lebih permisif dan memaafkan diri sendiri toh juga ini dengan sendiri jadi gak ada konsekuensi sosial yang harus di tanggung.

komitmen ini yang berhasil diterapin Shinichi dan Ran yang buat hubungan mereka jadi manis banget (♥_♥)
dimana Ran mampu menjaga perasaannya untuk Shinichi. Bukan membenamkan rasa tapi membiarkan rasa itu indah dalam diamnya, sampai waktunya tiba (ini ada di chapter 784 ). Ran tetap menjaga dirinya untuk seseorang yang dia bahkan tak tahu keberadaannya. Menjaga pengharapan untuk satu-satunya orang yang dia yakin akan menjaga dirinya pula untuk suatu saat datang dan menginginkan Ran menjadi satu-satunya wanita yang menemani hidupnya. oh ya kata-kata Ran yang paling manis itu pas Movie 7 I don’t really mind waiting for people. Because the more you wait, the happier you’ll be when you meet.
di sisi Shinichi terlihat tetap berusaha menjaga perasaannya walau saat di wujud conan ia memiliki teman berbagi cerita seutuhnya yaitu Ai Haibara (Sherry) tapi toh Shinichi tetap selalu memikirkan Ran, Shinchi tetap selalu berusaha menghubungi Ran, menjaga dan mengawasi Ran ... mungkin dia bisa aja ngasih tau semuanya ke Ran tapi dia gak seegois itu, dia gak pengen liat Ran menderita, dia malah bilang gini di episode 189 even so, i just don't have confidence to watch Ran Suffer as time goes by. I really do want to quickly tell her everything and relieve her
nah intinya dari Shinichi dan Ran kita ambil pelajaran deh dalam berhubungan itu yang penting percaya satu sama lain dan menjaga komitmen gak hanya satu sama lain tapi juga komitmen dengan diri sendiri, semoga hubungan jarak jauh manapun bisa dijalani (^_^)ε^ )
and finally Shinichi Confession in LONDON
and this is what Aoyama Gosho said about this chapter
It seems that the last chapter of the London arc (included in Volume 72 that is set to be released in June) includes a scene of Shinichi and Ran that you have wanted to draw for a long time.
That scene received a really large response. Linking it to Holmes, who is bad at relationships, and the line “a tough and troublesome case” were all decided beforehand, and it all turned out just as planned.
optimis deh ran dan shinichi yang kuat komitmennya bakal happy ending sehingga jadi motivasi buat semua orang yang ngejalanin hubungan biar selalu tetap komitmen dengan pasangannya dan dengan dirinya sendiri
That reminds me, the author of "Golden Demon", Ozaki Kyouyou, died while serializing it and it was left unfinished. And so those two lost the means to attain happiness for all eternity. But in our case (looks at Ran), I won't let it go unfinished. Definitely "shinichi-conan"
And in one of the interviews of Gosho Aoyama, he said that he won't disappoint his supporters and he already has an idea for the ending. But there is nothing fixed for the number of the remaining volumes.
Kawaiii.... :3
BalasHapusTapi postingannya bhs. indo campur bhs. inggris, tuh.. ._.
@Aiko maklum saya masih belajar nih, tapi yang pasti ShinRan the best :)
BalasHapusNice. :D
BalasHapusOh ya, kasih kata-kata bagus donk yg dikasih dr ran ke shinichi itu :D
Hmm,,dismwa movienya pzti da momentum antara Ran ma Shinichi kok :D
BalasHapustp klo yg bgian episode,ini nih :
Episode 1: Roller Coaster Murder Case -
Episode 2: Company President's Daughter Kidnapping Case
Episodes 22-23: Luxury Liner Serial Murder Case
Episodes 27-28: Kogoro's Class Reunion Murder Case
Episode 32: Coffee Shop Murder Case
Episodes 34-35: Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder Case
Episodes 39-40: The Wealthy Daughter Murder Case
Episode 101: The Memories of First Love
Episode 118: Naniwa Serial Murder Case
Episode 132: Magic Lover's Murder Case
Episodes 153-154: Sonoko's Dangerous Summer Story
Episode 162: The Locked Room in the Sky
Episodes 170-171: The Blind Spot In the Darkness
Episodes 172-173: The Resurrected Dying Message
Episode 174: The 20 Year Old Murder Case, The Symphony Serial Murders
Episodes 188-193: The Desperate Revival Arc
Episodes 228-229: The Murderous Pottery Class
Episodes 238-239: The 3 "K's" of Osaka Case
Episodes 255-256:The 14th Round of the Matsue Tamatsukuri Linked Verse
Episode 263: The Osaka Double Mystery - The Naniwa Swordsman and Toyotomi's Castle
Episode 268: The Truth Behind Valentine's
Episode 270:The Forgotten Memento from the Crime
Episodes 286-288: Shinichi Kudo's New York Case Arc
Episode 490: Heiji Hattori vs. Shinichi Kudo: Deduction battle on the Ski Slope
Episode 508: The Blind Spot in the Karaoke Box (Part 2)
Episode 511: Deduction Showdown! Shinichi vs. Subaru Okiya
Episode 522: Shinichi's True Face and Ran's Tears
Episode 523: What She Truly Wants to Ask
Episode 576: The Alibi of the Black Dress
Episode 592-593: The Monkey & Bamboo Rake's Stolen Items
Episode 608-609: White Day of Betrayal
Episode 617: Holmes's Revelation (Love is Zero)
Episode 621: Holmes's Revelation (Zero is Start)
Episode 141-142:The Night Before the Wedding Locked Room Murder Case Arc
Episode 222-224: And Then There Were No More Mermaids Arc
Episode 284-285: Chinatown Deja Vu in the Rain Arc
Episode 294-295: Smash of Love and Determination Arc
The Red Horse Inside the Flames Arc
Episode 376
Episode 381-382: Whose Reasoning Show Arc
Episode 383: Miracle at Koshien Park,The Defiants Face the Dark Demon
Episode 406-408: Conan and Heiji's Mysterious Magic Arc
Episode 521
Episode 616 :Holmes's Revelation Arc
Cool dah dikasih listnya, nice inpoh :)
HapusHolmes's revelation sweet banget dah <3
Yang Shinichi dan Ran kecil petualangan eps. berapa ya..?
Hapusgila chiran nih >///<